25 grams of fiber a day for better health!

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Megan 31 октября 2014 г.

Food rich in fiber is good for health!

High-fiber diets containing sufficient amounts of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and legumes, helps you maintain a healthy digestive system, protect you from heart disease, reduce the cholesterol level in the blood, keeping blood sugar balance and reduce the risk of several types of cancers, especially colorectal cancer (colon). Also, eating fiber-rich foods can help you lose weight because it gives you feeling fuller for longer.

If ntnaoli enough!

That little fiber diet May Contribute to Health Problems many, Including Intestinal Problems such as constipation, hemorrhoids, inflammation (diverticulitis) Impasse, irritable Bowel, overweight. In General, people WHO Food Eat little more fiber than Others Exposed to the High Level of cholesterol in the blood, heart disease, diabetes and colon cancer.

What is the quantity you need?

It is advised that a person deals with 20 to 35 grams of fiber a day.

How do you add fiber to your diet daily?

Here are some guidelines to increase the amount of fiber in your diet:

• Try switching from white bread to whole or multiple cereals bread grain.

• Replace white rice and pasta, brown rice and pasta-cereals and choose whole grain breakfast cereals at breakfast.

• Try eating 5 servings of vegetables and two servings of fruit each day, without peeling.

• Start your meal with salads and soups and stews to enter your main meals.

• Plan for legumes (beans, lentils) two to three times a week.

• Eat as appetizers of nuts or dried fruit as a snack in the afternoon.

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